Get Reunited!

Are you married and tired of having the same argument over and over again?

Are you exhausted from losing sleep because you can’t find time to have the conversation you really need to have, and it keeps you up at night?

Do you carry “mom-guilt” because you see how your relationship turmoil is affecting your kids?

Have you listened to professional advice, practiced speaking with “I” statements, worked on staying focused on the positive, and you’re just not noticing any changes?

Are you frustrated because you feel like nothing you try is working?

Most importantly, are you tired of walking on eggshells with someone who used to be your best friend?

I can help.

Are you open minded and ready to try methods that are “outside of the box”?

Then I can really help.

I help couples quickly shift out of painful and draining relationship dynamics without having to re-hash the same crap over and over again.

Then, I help them re-connect through the heart using tools that work and are actually fun.

Let me introduce you to Reunited.

What this program will do:

  • Assess your marriage to uncover and release the patterns keeping you stuck.
  • Give you tools to help you stop having painful arguments so you can enjoy the time you spend together.
  • Release old relationship wounds you’ve unintentionally carried into your marriage and may not even realize are there.
  • Give you clarity on how to move forward.

What this program will not do:

  • Do the work for you.

Why this program is different:

Reunited helps couples create shifts at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. This program also provides guidance and tools based on your specific marriage needs. No relationship is one-size-fits-all. The tools you receive are designed specifically for your and your partner’s needs. This way you actually enjoy using them instead of feeling like you’re following more rules. It’s time to start having fun in your marriage again!

I’d like to offer you a free 45-minute Marriage Breakthrough call so I can get to know you, learn about the cycles that are draining you, and give you my unique Relationship Assessment. This assessment will help you identify your strengths and show you where disconnection is being created.

Book a Marriage Breakthrough call

Want to learn about 5 common things that create sabotage in marriage and lead to disconnection fast?

Get your free copy of “5 Habits that Secretly Sabotage Marriage (and how to stop them.)

Who is Reunited for?

  • Couples who spend more time arguing and walking on eggshells than enjoying their time together.
  • Couples who are questioning the future of their marriage and wondering if they can get their marriage back.
  • Couples who are going through a life change (retirement, loss of a loved one, or even changing from in a relationship to engaged) and want support and guidance navigating the change while also keeping their marriage a priority.

Who is Reunited not for?

  • Couples who are not open to trying new methods.
  • Couples who are actively cheating or engaging in abuse or substance abuse. (If this is you, I’d love to work with you individually first. Contact me.)
  • Singles. But, I have a program for you! See if Relationship Re-Boot is a better fit for you.

Schedule your Marriage Breakthrough call to start your Relationship Assessment now!

Schedule a Marriage Breakthrough call

Why do clients choose to work with me?

I’m an intuitive relationship coach and Reiki master teacher healer, which means I am able to “read” the energy of my clients, help them transform their wounds, and then explain what’s happening to them in ways they can easily understand and relate to. This allows them to create shifts in their marriage faster.

No two relationships are exactly the same, so the guidance and tools you receive in my programs don’t come from textbooks. I am able to see the energy of relationships in a unique way, so I work with the inner guidance system of not only each partner but also of the relationship itself. My methods are definitely not “traditional,” and they work if you do the work.

Learn more about me.